Kate - 6, Dean - 4. She's still winning. We survived another year. YEAH!
Do I even need a caption? It's Dean - enough said.
Yeah - this cake lasted a couple minutes. Todd went with the monkeys to pick out a birthday cake from publix. No characters, no cute toys that go on top. But rather LOTS OF ICING.
Our sweet princess.
The kiddos, Todd, mom, Jana and Gary got to go to 2 parades this year. I only made it to the Newnan parade b/c I got to run the Peachtree with the Brinkleys. No pics of that - but I will just say: 55. ;-)
This year Robert was up for election - which made the months of May - July quite interesting. A contested race with the opposing side trying to sling mud as they distorted and twisted the truth to meet their own agenda. Robert prevailed and I still have a job - YEAH!
This summer the kiddos were with Todd - hence the great tans. They spent just about every day at the pool. One of the best parts of that has been that they both got gills. The above photo is of them showing one of their new tricks.
We have a photo of this shot for each year that Dean has been alive.
Kind of cheesy but I still love it.
Can't say my kids don't have personality.
That is a load that Kate has right there. This won't be possible for to much longer.
(Dean is already heavier than Kate)
To me this picture is very telling of Kate and Dean's personalities. What do you think?
There is something very calming and pleasant about the two of them walking hand in hand. This pic was taken at the Jekyll Island Club. I love all the old trees.
We had a great trip to the beach this year. Kate and Dean got to see the Turtle Museum and we found a few dozen sand dollars - even more that we couldn't keep because they were still alive.