Monday, January 19, 2009

Mia Update!

Just a peek to see how our puppy has grown. Just a year old now -
don't know how much bigger she's gonna get.
At this point I just have to get Todd to stop feeding her
people food b/c she's starting to get fat.

Mia with her birthday present.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Kate's Bookshelves

This project has been on Todd's honey-do list for a LONG while.
Probably since he got a table saw and did the floors a few years ago. Given the overflow of books (which is not a bad thing) we have I got to the point that the ones that wouldn't fit on Dean's bookshelves (which were made for Todd when he was a boy) I started putting the extras in boxes under my bed and every few months alternating them out. So - over Christmas break my nagging finally paid off and after a trip to Home Depot the project finally began.

Todd's part of actually making the bookshelves turned out to be the fasted phase.
He did a great job - my only complaint would be that he didn't cover anything in the garage before he used his table saw so EVERYTHING (including my bike) got covered in saw dust.
I will give him credit for cleaning up after though.

Dean had just gotten a work bench and tools for Christmas so he too helped out.

As all would expect Kate did not participate in the
building phase but was all into the painting.

Dean of course also wanted to help paint.
This truly turned into a great family project.

With excellent results --- by this point I just wanted the books on the shelves.
Will organize on another day.