Saturday, December 13, 2008


Kate and Dean with Santa

Dean LOVED the cookies -- sprinkles are a super hit in our house.

Kate and her daddy decorating cookies. This is actually a tradition that Todd has with the kids. It was an added bonus to get to decorate cookies at church. But, starting the day after Thanksgiving Todd and the kids make cookies (on several occasions) leading up to Christmas. It is not just the cookie baking that is the tradition. It is the icing, then more icing, then sprinkles, then more sprinkles, then that third kind of sprinkles - that they top on them. By the time they are done there is more icing/sprinkles than cookie. It generally takes three containers to keep the cookies in b/c there is so much icing you can't stack them. Yes, we love our traditions.

Lil' Jenny's Wedding

On November 15 we attended the wedding of Todd's littlest sister, Jennifer to Drew. It was a great event. Kate was a proper young flower girl and did her best to keep Dean in line - but as a young Todd she had more to handle than she was able. Dean looked quite handsome in his little tux. During the ceremony he truly entertained the entire church - making the winking face, then mouthing like the preacher. Todd and I could barely pay attention to the ceremony for laughing at Dean. It was truly a memorable experience.

The Wisenbaker siblings. Need I say more.

Our family

Kate, Dean and Pappi's "mean faces".

By this point (reception) Dean had his fill. Jacket gone and on with the cake.

Kate was a sweet proper little lady through the entire day.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Dean got to play soccer this fall and did excellent.
Big shock. Our little jock has Todd's natural sport abilities.


This year we had a great Halloween. Kate was Jasmine and Dean was Superman. Oct. 31 fell on a Friday Todd had a football game so the kiddos and I went trick-or-treating in downtown Newnan. This was a first and it proved to be a great success. A bit chilly though - which is why Kate used one of my curtains as a wrap (it matched). :)

On Nov. 1 we went to the annual Cedar Grove Fall Festival - which was also a lot of fun. Kate and Dean had a blast and looked adorable in their costumes.

Kate - who has been TERRIFIED of horses in the past has made great leaps and bounds in overcoming her fear of certain large animals. I attribute this in large part to having Mia.

Our little cheeseball. :)

Kate-O and mom playing around.