Tuesday, December 2, 2008


This year we had a great Halloween. Kate was Jasmine and Dean was Superman. Oct. 31 fell on a Friday Todd had a football game so the kiddos and I went trick-or-treating in downtown Newnan. This was a first and it proved to be a great success. A bit chilly though - which is why Kate used one of my curtains as a wrap (it matched). :)

On Nov. 1 we went to the annual Cedar Grove Fall Festival - which was also a lot of fun. Kate and Dean had a blast and looked adorable in their costumes.

Kate - who has been TERRIFIED of horses in the past has made great leaps and bounds in overcoming her fear of certain large animals. I attribute this in large part to having Mia.

Our little cheeseball. :)

Kate-O and mom playing around.


Heather said...

Such cutie pies! ;)

Jodi Brinkley said...

Great pictures. You did an awesome job on their costumes!