This project has been on Todd's honey-do list for a LONG while.
Probably since he got a table saw and did the floors a few years ago. Given the overflow of books (which is not a bad thing) we have I got to the point that the ones that wouldn't fit on Dean's bookshelves (which were made for Todd when he was a boy) I started putting the extras in boxes under my bed and every few months alternating them out. So - over Christmas break my nagging finally paid off and after a trip to Home Depot the project finally began.
Todd's part of actually making the bookshelves turned out to be the fasted phase.
He did a great job - my only complaint would be that he didn't cover anything in the garage before he used his table saw so EVERYTHING (including my bike) got covered in saw dust.
I will give him credit for cleaning up after though.
building phase but was all into the painting.
Dean of course also wanted to help paint.
This truly turned into a great family project.

With excellent results --- by this point I just wanted the books on the shelves.
With excellent results --- by this point I just wanted the books on the shelves.
Will organize on another day.
Looks great! I need one too!!! ;)
I'm impressed. I think I would have just made a trip to Ikea.
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